Men Age Differently—Their Facial Plastic Surgery is Different, Too

Men desire to undergo cosmetic facial surgery for many of the same reasons as women. They want to "look as young as one feels." In addition, they wish to maintain a competitive edge in the work force by maintaining a more youthful appearance.

Although the aging process of male and female faces shares many common features, there are particular differences in the aging male. These gender differences include the presence of facial hair, increased vascularity, increased skin thickness and sebaceous gland content, hormonal influences, and differing rates of fat and bone resorption during the life cycle. Clinically, men have a greater tendency to form hematomas following facelift surgery, are more likely to seek rhinoplasty for rhinophyma (enlarged, bulbous red nose), and are less likely to develop melasma (skin discoloration).

"Dr. Morrow removed several skin tags and moles from my neck and collarbone with absolutely no pain and no resulting scars. I couldn't be more pleased with the results and I would not hesitate to return for any procedure I might want in the future. Thank you, Dr. Morrow, for your kindness and professionalism."
- P.S., 60, Livingston