Give Your Eyes a New Look—and Gain a New Outlook

The skin around the eyes is one of the first areas of the face to show signs of aging. It is not unusual to see hooded upper lids or bags around lower lids appear when you are still in your 30s. Heredity plays a big part and droopy down-turned eyes and overhanging upper lids often run in families, but that does not mean you have to live with the problem. You could be a good candidate for blepharoplasty instead.

Doctors Call it Blepharoplasty—You'll Call it Marvelous!
If your eyes are making you look depressed, angry, or tired—regardless of how you feel—this cosmetic procedure will give you a whole new outlook . . . and a fresh, younger look through an eyelid lift.

A cosmetic surgery consultation with Dr. Morrow can help you decide if you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery. Before making the final decision, you will have to see your eye doctor to be sure that you can undergo the procedure.

Upper eyelid surgery involves removal of excess fat, muscle, and loose skin through an incision placed in a natural skin fold. It is frequently performed in conjunction with lower eyelid surgery, where a similar type of procedure is performed through an incision inside the lower eyelid. Typically this outpatient surgery takes about two hours using twilight anesthesia. It may be performed along with a brow lift, facelift or laser skin resurfacing to achieve the best results.

Swelling and bruising will last about one week, and discomfort is easily controlled with a mild analgesic.

"You've done such a beautiful job on my face, and your practice is so professional and well run...What can I say? I'm a true fan!"
- J.D., 40, female, Westfield

"Thanks for all of your help in making me look like a younger, rejuvenated woman! I'm absolutely delighted with the results, and appreciate all your efforts."
- S.G., 58, female, North Caldwell

"It's nice to have a doctor who is skilled in his profession, but also takes time to give emotional support and encouragement to his patients. I felt so comfortable and confident in knowing that what I wanted was important to you as well. I can't tell you how much this means to me."
- R.L., 45, female, Madison