Turn Back Time with a Facelift and Neck Lift

Time, gravity, and years of exposure to the elements help to bring about the inevitable signs of aging in facial skin. Our facial skin loosens, thins, and sags as we age. Wrinkles develop and pouches may form in the cheeks, jawline, and neck.

Aging may be inevitable, but looking old before your time is not. A facelift, or rhytidectomy, can turn back the clock and restore the youthful appearance that reflects the way you feel inside.

Although most people seek out facelifts and/or neck lifts in their 50s and 60s, some choose to have a facelift at a younger age as part of a preventative maintenance program. The results are more subtle, and a "refirming lift" may be performed several years later allowing you to maintain your youthful appearance without seeming to age.

Liposuction of the Lower Face and Neck
During a facelift and neck lift—a three-to-four hour outpatient procedure that is typically performed using twilight anesthesia—incisions are carefully placed around the ears and into the hairline. A small cannula (tube) connected to suction helps to sculpt the fatty tissue of the lower face and neck. The skin is then lifted and the underlying muscles and connective tissue are tightened and secured. The skin is artfully redraped, and excess skin is removed.

Removing the excess fatty tissue around the lower face and along the neckline through liposuction can help shave years off someone's appearance. More youthful and natural contours are regained in just a couple of hours by the removal of those unwanted pouches.

A bulky bandage is maintained for four days; sutures and staples are removed by the tenth day, when nearly all the bruising and swelling is gone. Mild discomfort is easily controlled with analgesics.

"You've done such a beautiful job on my face, and your practice is so professional and well run...What can I say? I'm a true fan!"
- J.D., 40, female, Westfield

"Thanks for all of your help in making me look like a younger, rejuvenated woman! I'm absolutely delighted with the results, and appreciate all your efforts."
- S.G., 58, female, North Caldwell