Building up a Stronger Chin Through Facial Augmentation

Most men seeking facial augmentation are looking to achieve aesthetic balance of the face and correct a weak, underdeveloped chin or cheek areas. In our culture, positive aesthetic attributes of the male face include a strong and well-defined lower jaw and prominent cheek area. These attributes are associated with assertiveness, boldness, and confidence, so it's no surprise that the most common areas of the face that men seek to augment are the lower jaw and mid-face area.
The key to successful chin augmentation (mentoplasty) lies in understanding the patient's goals and expectations, selecting a suitable implant, and placing the implant with minimal disruption to soft tissue. Dr. Morrow uses computer imaging to establish a customized treatment plan and discusses with each patient what he can realistically expect from his chin augmentation. Solid, silastic implants designed in a variety of shapes and sizes are used; these implants allow cosmetic surgeons to customize their surgical plans with the added ability to change or reverse the augmentation in a safe manner if warranted.
A relatively simple procedure, chin implantation can have dramatic results. Most commonly, the pre-selected chin implant is introduced into a precisely created pocket through an incision in a natural crease line just under the chin; alternatively it may be placed through a small incision inside the mouth. A bandage is maintained for four days to stabilize the implant. Sutures are removed at the same time as the bandage.
Occasionally, Dr. Morrow may recommend chin surgery at the same time as rhinoplasty to achieve the ideal facial profile. Submental liposuction, a procedure in which excess fatty tissue is removed with a cannula and vacuum, can also help to redefine the chin or neckline.
Liposuction of the Face and Neck
Submental liposuction as a facial sculpting method is reserved for men who are younger than 45 years of age and have good skin elasticity, indicating that the skin will "bounce back" when fat is removed. It can be performed under conscious sedation. Chin augmentation can be performed simultaneously with chin retrusion for a complete profileplasty.